Classes Currently Offered

Registration is now open for the Beginning Cycling and Safety Course at many Charter Schools. Check with your counselor to confirm the schedule.

Beginning Cycling and Safety

No prerequisite for this class
No classes or previous knowledge of bicycle riding is needed for enrolling in the course. This course is ideal if you are starting as a new rider or have not ridden extensively, or recently. We will help riders of any level to develop skills and practice the lessons taught in this class.

Unit 1: Getting Ready to Ride

Bicycle Helmet Function
Bicycle Helmet Fit
Bicycle Fit
Bicycle Parts
ABC Quick Check

Unit 2: Bicycle Handling Basics

Helmet Fit and ABC Quick Check
Controlled Braking
Straight-Line Riding
Power Start
Ready Position

Unit 3: Emergency Bicycle Handling Skills

Quick Stop
Instant Turn

In this class, our first rides will take place within a coned-off area of the school’s parking lot. We will begin riding in the low-traffic areas of the adjacent parking lot, and advance to one or two off campus group rides on public bike trails.


Advanced Cycling

Requires Beginning Cycling and Safety
If you have not completed it, we will ask you to demonstrate the basic skills offered in the basic course setup on a simple coned-off area of the school’s parking lot.

Unit 4: Advanced Bicycle Handling Skills

Figure 8
Snail Race
Water Bottle Pickup
Bunny Hop
Advanced Cycling Skill Stations

Unit 5: Rules of the Road for Riding

Rules of the Road
Lane Positioning
Group Riding Etiquette
Bike Path/Trail Etiquette

Unit 6: Bicycle Mechanics

Fallen Chain Repair
Fixing A Flat Tire
Brake Adjustment

Unit 7: Riding for Fitness

Target Heart Rate
Cyclometers and Cadence

Notes In this class, we will begin riding in the low-traffic areas of the adjacent parking lot, and advance to one or
two off campus group rides on public bike trails. We will meet as a class off campus, in lieu of normally meeting at the school. The class will be advised in advance so students can arrange for transportation to and from the meeting location.